Jay's World of Abstracts

Jay's World of Abstracts 00003

The ASAP Coalition Adult Survey for Quay County

A survey conducted in Quay County for the ASAP Coalition by W. Larry Gregory Ph.D. and Karen Kaufman, Ph.D. of New Mexico State University.

[Standard disclaimer: The nature of abstracts are that they are pieces of something larger. Not everyone is going to be happy with my choice of abstracts from any larger work, so if you are dissatisfied, I would refer you to the original document, which should be able to be found on the Internet. I encourage others to make their own abstracts to satisfy their needs.

Jay's Introduction

This is an abstract of a survey conducted in Quay County for the ASAP Coalition by W. Larry Gregory Ph.D. and Karen Kaufman, Ph.D. of New Mexico State University.


The surveys were given to 398 people (respondents) in Quay County.

Societal Concerns of Resondents

Respondents were asked to rate 43 different items representing various community concerns.

Problem % indicating moderate
or major problem
Drunk driving 75.1
Teen smoking 74.3
Drunk Driving among youth 71.8
Alcohol use among youth 71.6
Disrespect for traditions 71.4
Drug abuse 71.3
Drug abuse among youth 70.6
Unemployment 70.1
Anger and violence among youth 69.4
Alcoholism 67.9
Vandalism, theft, or burgary 67.6
Lack of youth recreation 65.1
Teen pregnancy 61.9
Availability/affordability of medical care 60.3
Shortage of recreational facilities/programs 59.6
Family violence or abuse 59.3
Lack of employment for youth 59.3
Sexually transmitted diseases 56.1
Affordable housing 55.2
Gang-related activity 54.8
Assault, rape, or violent crime 54.8
Neighborhood safety 53.5
Quality of public education> 51.5
Racial or ethnic tension or distrust 48.2
Affordability of child care 47.5
Lack of support for teen parents 46.5
After school programs 45.7
Safety of children at school 44.5
Illiteracy 43.2
Public transportation 42.7
Tension between haves and have-nots 41.4
Shortage ot child day care 40.9
Availability, accessibility of family planning 37.9
Inadequate home health for disabled/dying 36.7
Emergency food and shelter 36.2
Services and access for the disabled 35.6
Overcrowded hcus!ng 35.4
Adequate senior services 35.0
Availability of health care during pregnancy 32.6
Mental illness 32.6
Teen suicide 28.6
Affordability, accessibility of legal services 19.6
Environmental concerns 8.1

When asked to indicate which of the community problems should receive the most attention and funding, respondents most often cited alcohol and other problems, followed by teen problems, youth recreation, unemployment, and pregnancy.

Personal Concerns of the Respondents

The next section of the interview asked respondents to rate 36 different items representing various personal concerns.

Concern % indicating moderate
or major problem
Anxiety and stress 57.6
Adequate access to health care specialists 53.6
Affordability/accessibility of medical insurance 45.7
Enough money for physician visits/prescriptions 45.4
Adequate access to gereral health care 45.3
Feeling safe and secure walking the streets 46.3
Affording recreational activities 40.2
Finding work 39.7
Feeling safe and secure at home 38.5
Affordability of legal help 36.7
Depression 34.9
Enough money for utilities 34.9
Enough morey for housing 34.4
Enough money for food 33.1
Home needing major repairs 31.1
Difficulties finding or using social services 30.9
Affording child care 30.2
Having a child care provider you trust 30.1
Adequate educational opportunities 29.1
Child/teen's behavioral or emotional problems 28.6
Alcohol and/or drug problems 28.5
Chird's safety at school 27.1
Finding child day care 26.2
Physical conflict/violence in household 25.4
Home health for elderly, disabled 24.9
Lack of effective social services 24.7
Finding after school child care 24.3
Getting adequate help for child at school 22.9
Reading well enough to get along 22.8
Transportation for elderly, disabled 22.6
Adult day care for elderly, disabled 22.4
Enough room in house 22.0
Getting prenatal care 19.4
Getting electrical hook-ups 18.9
Getting parenting training 18.1
Enough money for clothing 14.9

Percentage of Affirmative Responses to Sensitive Issues Questions

These survey questions were asked of three different groups of respondents as indicated below. The 1999 survey was done in person, which might make it more accurate than the earlier surveys that were conducted by telephone.

Item 1999 % 1998 % 1997 %
Have you used marijuana in the last 6 months? 36.9 16.1 8.8
Have you used cocaine or crack in the last 6 months? 14.3 5.0 1.6
Have you used amphetamines/speed in the last 6 months? 26.9 16.0 20.3
Have you used hallucinogens such as LSD, mescaline, peyote, or ecstasy in the last 6 months? 17.4 21.6 13.7
Have you used heroin in the last 6 months? 11.8 6.1 0.0
Have you used inhalants in the last 6 months? 16.3 17.2 10.6
In the last 6 months, have you driven a car or truck after having more than 3 or 4 drinks in a couple of hours? 51.7 26.7 29.8
Do you have a family member who has a drug or alcohol problem? 50.1 38.3 36.7
Have any members of your family been beaten by another family member in the past year? 40.8 15.2 10.4

Other Results that were Found

Medical Care:


Education: [Those with school age children contributed to the following results.]

Familiarity with community services/programs:

Other Questions:

Statement % Agreed % Neutral % Disagreed
Sex education in schools should only teach students to not have sex until marriage. 26 24.3 49.6
Teenagers should be able to obtain birth control from school clinics 38.7 23.1 38.1
People in our community don't get involved in social problems 36.1 32.6 31.4
It is a major problem in this community that people dont' get involved to help make life better here 34.6 34.6 30.9
Nobody in this community cares about getting involved to solve social problems 28.6 33.8 37.6

Overall, 68.8% of respondents said that they were either very satisfied or somewhat satisfied with their lives. If they could do anything they wanted to improve the community, they would bring in more businesses and better paying jobs, eliminate drugs and alcohol, bring in more entertainment, and clean up and paint within the community.

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