JasonModernPic.jpgJason Nemrow

I am described as the Xenagogue of this Xenagogy. This Collaboration is available to all, some Webs are interesting to some Collaborators, and I am most likely the one person that is interested in most everything here. Since I actually own the hardware and connection that this site uses, I get to exercise a bit more control than others if I choose. Here are Jasons Bookmarks so I will have them whereever I roam.

This Collaboration reflects what I value most

Before I got really "into" anything else, I got married to Lisa and we started a family. The kids are grown and gone, some doing families of their own, but the lasting bond is my marriage and commitment to Lisa.

I am a GeneralHomeEconomics guy by education and mentorship, with a big dollop of child development thrown in, so that is where the Physicality Web comes in.

I am a slight anachronist, which informs the Anachrotechnic Web.

I am one of the Aliens Among Us dedicated to guiding others in unique ways to the realities around us.

I also have a PeculiarlyAsceticBent to my approach to most things that I have learned is bewildering to others.

I am also a "religious" (in both regularity and devotion) reader and ponder-er of The Book of Mormon (not the play), so that brings in that Web.

One of the biggest endeavors for me is around the idea of Progression, Transcendence, and Exaltation, which is discussed in the topics within the Progression Web.

I basically live to impress two people, Jesus Christ and my wife Lisa. I can't say that I feel like I do a very good job of pleasing either, but I am trying. Everyone else is fine, but I'm mostly going to stay out of your way if I can - you can go to your chosen destination, good or bad, mostly unmolested by me beyond my responsibility to point souls to Jesus. My advice to humanity is that each of you need to devote yourselves to the work of Christ and get married (eternally) to someone to which you can devote yourself. I publish on the internet to address my commitment to the goals of the Messiah, more or less.

Brothers and Sisters

I find great meaning and fulfillment as I cross paths with Brothers And Sisters, often more alike than different from myself, with whom I get the pleasure of sharing a bit of the path of life. I think of TK Wyatt, Keyes, David Smith almost immediately and I am sure there are more if I set my mind to it.

Just a Little Bit More

If you want to know what I do from minute to minute, I will say this: I tend to breathe (and much more so now that I have discovered the Aveo TSD and its improved Chinese knockoffs), I ponder life and exaltation, read various obscure texts and watch interesting videos, talk incessantly to my tolerant wife, serve in some temples of the Lord, and write a bit. I blather on-and-on courtesy of personal fodder recordings and The Princess and/or the Priest Recordings and I place the odd and more dangerous essay on my gopher server and A Curious Instrument blog. That is about all the “social networking” you are going to get from me outside of topic enhancements!

I am most enriched by my joyous entanglement with Lisa Jane Templet Nemrow who demands decency and Loving loyalty from me. She would also like a bit of steadiness, but that is a very different place far from me.

Over time, I have noticed that I am a catalyst, often triggering action in organizations I brush against in something like a barely conscious way. I typically don't benefit much from this personally as I am often not a formal participant or member. Nemrow passes through and inexplicable things happen!

I have listened to the No Agenda podcast for years and I finally donated on episode 1684 entitled "No Guff" as an executive producer. I am a douche-bag no more!

Formative Mentors

My Parents are Good Folks

When we are children, we barely comprehend the humanness of our parents beyond our own childish needs. In our adolescence, they are often put aside in some drive toward independence. We only see them as people later in our lives.

My mother is very generous with time and resources. My father is very expressive and encouraging of good deeds and development in all realms.

In sum, my parents continue to take good care of me as they commonly always did and I'm very grateful to them for it!

College-ish Mentors

For all my advice to my children to put off college until they see some deep need to pursue it, I found most of the people that had a wonderful influence in my life among my college professors.

Hugh Romney

I doubt seriously that he would even remember that I took a “missionary preparation” class from him at my one semester experience at Ricks College and that he was my LDS branch president in 1986. I told him I wasn't going on a two-year mission and he challenged me to read and pray about the Book of Mormon. Well, I did go on that mission and it introduced me to most of the things that matter to me to this day. One has to honor that!

Francine Stuckey

When I went to ENMU as a recently-married mess of a young man, Francine was quick to give me some interesting technology tasks to do at the campus child development center as employment, alongside the expectation that I be a child-care aide. She was also a tolerant advisor for toward my day care management associate's degree and my failed attempt at a early childhood education bachelor's degree. She was my lodestone as I realized that I was far more interested in Child Development than Education.

Florence Wilson

Florence was my exacting instructor for early childhood education, gave me my only collegiate “F” mark for a summer student teacher experience, and convinced me that I should change my major at the beginning of my senior year. She was that “tough realist” that everyone needs when your life's course must change. As an adjunct professor decades later, I dedicated a memorial bonus point opportunity in Florence's name to my own students to explore their own futures and how college fits into it.

Joyce Davis

In my tumultuous college senior year, Joyce took on my advisement, which included doing odd jobs at her house to get some extra money to support my wife and two children. My college schedule was a study in creative credit-getting and I found myself volunteering at a local alternative high school built by Betty Johnson, writing funding grants and building an infant care center and computer lab for returning high-school dropouts for credit alongside working two or three paying jobs. Joyce figured out how to get my bachelor's degree in home economics done.

Alida Brown

Alida wasn't my college professor. One of my early jobs as a public health nutritionist in Quay and Guadalupe counties of New Mexico brought with it the opportunity to join the local public health council and volunteer alongside its coordinator, Alida. A few years later, after a tragic bout of public school teaching, I was in need of employment and Alida took me on as a contract coordinator, paying for my initial home internet connection and further contracts for the technology needs of maternal and child health councils and other opportunities. I recall the hours we spent in the car driving to Santa Fe for various contract-related meetings, talking about all sorts of things. It was probably my only attempt to appear a professional and any success in playing that role can be credited to Alida.

UserForm edit

FirstName Jason
LastName Nemrow
OrganisationName QuixWiki
OrganisationURL https://wiki.quix.us
Country United States
InstantMessaging (IM)
Email webmaster@quix.us
HomePage https://jason.quix.us
Topic revision: r25 - 14 Aug 2024, JasonNemrow
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