We are in danger of losing our past in almost every aspect of human knowledge and practice. It isn't enough just to preserve books. We need living practitioners of older ways of thinking and doing. We need to carve out spaces for the continuance of archaic practice at a more human scale.

There is a lot of "maker" interest around Retrocomputing and the revivification and modernization of past computing paradigms.

As much as there has been a "back to the land" and "simple living" movement, this concept describes a return to unencumbered technology scaled to independent creation, ownership, and use by discrete humans, rather than groups or corporations.

It is also a descriptor used when someone (like JasonNemrow) is far more interested in exploring abandoned technologies of the past rather than using the "current hip thing" that won techno-battles. For instance, was Betamax technically better than VHS, that likely won the video tape war for being less legally encumbered?

doing tech for money ruins the joy of it as a hobby (which is where I tried to keep it when I was young).

Results from Anachrotechnic web retrieved at 01:34 (GMT)

It is currently running NetBSD 10.0 very slowly. Get MS DOS 7.1 (pulled from Windows 98 installs) https://winworldpc.com/product/ms dos/7x or at https://archive...
I originially starting working with Zope in 2002 as it was an interesting melding of web application and database in a thru the web (TTW) way. I can't say I ever ...
This is the fella behind ReticulumPrepperNetwork and he is autistic! https://unsigned.io/articles/2024_05_16_Are_We_There_Yet.html "Reticulum is Unstoppable Net...
Everyone, As the contract HPC Administrator, I am calling for a stop work on both classified and unclassified HPC Clusters in order to examine the separation of m...
I took this one page PHP script from a forum with no attribution. I altered the parsing of wiki words so that it would convert more urls into working links.First ...
Tucumcari could use a bikeshop. Really. https://www.nmoutside.com/outdoor grants equity fund The great part is that New Mexico has not really discovered the gas ...
Add a power supply to the “server” https://www.amazon.com/Battery Backup Uninterruptible Security 10000mAh/dp/B089SQFCBW credit card sized computer $30 https:...
This looks like a modern rendition of the old "Internet in a box" with a server bent. I do a lot of this piecemeal. I'm not sure of the choices made here, it seem...
Number of topics: 8
Topic revision: r8 - 25 Jun 2024, JasonNemrow
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