50 recent changes in Anachrotechnic Web retrieved at 19:49 (GMT)

It is currently running NetBSD 10.0 very slowly. Get MS DOS 7.1 (pulled from Windows 98 installs) https://winworldpc.com/product/ms dos/7x or at https://archive...
We are in danger of losing our past in almost every aspect of human knowledge and practice. It isn't enough just to preserve books. We need living practitioners o...
I originially starting working with Zope in 2002 as it was an interesting melding of web application and database in a thru the web (TTW) way. I can't say I ever ...
This is the fella behind ReticulumPrepperNetwork and he is autistic! https://unsigned.io/articles/2024_05_16_Are_We_There_Yet.html "Reticulum is Unstoppable Net...
Everyone, As the contract HPC Administrator, I am calling for a stop work on both classified and unclassified HPC Clusters in order to examine the separation of m...
I took this one page PHP script from a forum with no attribution. I altered the parsing of wiki words so that it would convert more urls into working links.First ...
Tucumcari could use a bikeshop. Really. https://www.nmoutside.com/outdoor grants equity fund The great part is that New Mexico has not really discovered the gas ...
Add a power supply to the “server” https://www.amazon.com/Battery Backup Uninterruptible Security 10000mAh/dp/B089SQFCBW credit card sized computer $30 https:...
This looks like a modern rendition of the old "Internet in a box" with a server bent. I do a lot of this piecemeal. I'm not sure of the choices made here, it seem...
QuIXWiki's Anachrotechnic web
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
* .WikiGuest
Anachrotechnic Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #b8c238 * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * ...
" else="QuIXWiki's Anachrotechnic web"}% /Anachrotechnic
Number of topics: 20

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Topic revision: r1 - 20 May 2024, JasonNemrow
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