Locality Web Preferences


  • Set WEBBGCOLOR = #00ff99
    • web-specific background color, current color

  • Set SITEMAPLIST = on
    • set to off to hide this web from the SiteMap

  • Set WEBSUMMARY = Topics about our sense of place
    • description what this web is used for

    • if set to on, this web will be exclude web from a global search

Wiki application settings

  • Set WEBFORMS =
    • Comma separated list of forms that can be attached to topics in this web. See DataForms for more information.

Access control

Users or groups who are allowed to view, change and rename topics in the Locality web. Empty settings are not meaningful. Remove the comment # character to enable a settting. Use * to indicate everyone including the guest users. DENY the WikiGuest user to restrict an action to authenticated (logged-in) users.

  • Set ALLOWWEBCHANGE = JasonNemrow
  • Set ALLOWWEBRENAME = JasonNemrow

If {FeatureAccess}{AllowRaw} is set to acl in configure, then the following rules can also be used:
  • #Set DENYWEBHISTORY = WikiGuest

If {FeatureAccess}{AllowHistory} is set to acl in configure, then the following rules can also be used:
  • #Set DENYWEBRAW = WikiGuest

Users or groups allowed to change or rename this WebPreferences topic: (e.g., AdminGroup)


No permission to view RenameWeb
No permission to view PreferenceSettings

Topic revision: r3 - 21 Jul 2024, JasonNemrow
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