The NaturalFamily is one produced by the committed "cleaving" marriage of a man and a woman. This couple brings biological children into such a family through conception and birth. Other children can be adopted into such a family.

Productive Marriage is the Foundation of the NaturalFamily

This is a marriage between a man and a woman. This gives the ability of this couple to produce children that have biological ties to the parenting couple.

Children are Additions to the NaturalFamily

Most people view a family as any sort of conglomeration of people that care for children and that the presence of such children create a "family".

The NaturalFamily is centered on the marriage of a productive couple, which is a couple who can conceive children amongst themselves. The couple forms a family and children are brought into this family.

Adoptive Families

Couples can choose to bring non-biological children into their family as well.

To bring other children into a NaturalFamily with biological children is the ideal situation. Otherwise "barren" NaturalFamily couples that adopt children without their own biological children are less ideal yet noble, as vital biological ties among family members are absent.

Other family constructs that may desire adoption can be working with situations and attitudes that are detrimental to proper child development and I personally discourage such arrangements.
Topic revision: r1 - 19 Jun 2024, JasonNemrow
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