This is what I have seen of over-doting parents and others who coddle sinful attitudes as if such 'love' will overcome even God's commandment to pursue exaltation in his established way.

Parents act as if doting on behaviors, as in 'what ever makes you feel good, sweetheart', should overcome impediments to all potential blessings and alter celestial realms to be open-armed accepting of any behaviors from "nice" people. For such people, keeping your child (or neighbor) happy is of greater concern than pleasing God.

I don't think this is helped by the promulgated idea from some church leaders that those who did not pursue temple marriage (mostly said to women) were going to have access to “all blessings”, which people interpreted as including exaltation. I don't know if that was what was intended, but I haven't heard as much of this “teaching” lately. It really persuaded a lot of people to feel like obedience and entering covenants toward exaltation was nice but potentially optional, especially from those who presented as undesirable spouses. Recent talks by Russell Nelson seem to be re-establishing the need for covenants for exaltation and “thinking celestial”.

God cannot allow sin or covenant sloth in his precincts and there look to be no softhearted exceptions. This cannot be changed through an appeal to love, just as love cannot spring a convict from prison before the required price has been paid. A parent who teaches such ideas to their children are trying to stand between God and their child, trying to be some more-accommodating and "loving" version of Christ, which doesn't work.

Jesus is "the way" and no one else has what is required to serve as an easier substitute.

-- JasonNemrow - 08 Apr 2024
Topic revision: r5 - 10 Apr 2024, JasonNemrow
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