It seems to be primarily about people - telestials are gone, only celestials and terestrials remain. The prophecies are snapshots of how this culling or winnowing or thrashing or separation will happen. It will happen as like the burning of the tares, but interestingly, after the harvest of wheat (what God wants - better people), the wicked (tares) will be gathered and burned (killed??)

It makes me consider Stalin and the “next generations” - what can be done with a Hodge-podge of people born into a society that demands putting the group ahead of self? How do you get rid of those radical elements that will mess up your well-ordered society? Stalin killed them (purged?), but I think a Zion society would be more likely to just be unpleasant for the non-compliant and impossible for the invader - I have always pictured vomiting if the wicked get too close. An excellent way to provide for a protective Zion in a world of lesser people.

Is that a higher place, the one who puts society ahead of self? Will the millennium be a more socialistic situation, a surrender of the self to the group? God forbid. John 17 - (this is part of the great intercessory prayer) Exaltation is both knowledge and internalized action (becoming). Father and son are perfect by definition.

2 As thou hast given him (Jesus) power over all flesh (he can control life and death and afterlife as he pleases), that he should give eternal life (exaltation) to as many as thou hast given him. (The Father trusts the Son completely. The Father appears to identify the Son “in whom I am well-pleased (I trust him to all depths of loyalty).”)

3 And this is life eternal (God's life), that they (the people given to Christ) might know (trust deeply with loyalty) thee the only true God (there is only one that the “universe” trusts), and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent (delegation of trust).

Of me thou hast not been ashamed. These deeds shall thy memorial be fear not thou didst them unto me. How much of this is actually a Jesus quote?

Do what god says. Sometimes at odds with general commandments, as with Nephi.

Learn of Christ so that when he comes, you will recognize and receive him fully, without reservation. Put your complete trust in him.

Further exalt God through our own exaltation? Makes sense.

-- JasonNemrow - 08 Apr 2024
Topic revision: r5 - 12 Apr 2024, JasonNemrow
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