This is my place near Las Nutrias. An acre of fun!

If circumstances take me back to the area, I plan to build a more permanent "base station" with the boat (dragged back to the site) serving as basically a sleeping capsule.

The pvc pipe dome didn't work out well. It was breaking down and when I introduced both the black and clear tarps to let in light, it melted things and left enough gaps so that water collected. Actually, next time, we could improve the situation a lot by putting the clear tarp underneath the black one and working out a new system. I can cut and drill replacement struts for those that have warped and use sandbags to lift the structure rather than the haybales I used before (which have probably been eaten by the neghborhood cows). Basically, I could recut and build the dome (even make it bigger perhaps).

I need to look at the driving possibilities going north rather than south along escobar (although it may not buy me much time). I could park the vehicle at the senior center or health office and walk out the crash site along fencelines during decent weather, perhaps. I can picture me with the messenger bag making the hike back and forth, but I really don't want to incite the authorities or make enemies.

Socorro Bike

I have thought about using a souped up bit of a mountain bike (maybe with a gas motor as it skirts "ebike" regs) (or my existing Electra Townie 9d step-thru) Here is a over the back wheel mount and sprocket - or use this "jackshaft kit" that uses existing chain and derailleur.

All of my potential routes between the crash site and UNM-Valencia campus are designated as decent bike routes, including the Escobar road mentioned above! How interesting!

Sandbag Structure

How to Build an Earthbag Dome For $300 - Off Grid World

Sources for Sandbags: - Sandbaggy sandbag filler - 200 count new $60 - 400 count new $100 - really big and expensive. - sandbag funnel
Topic revision: r5 - 04 Jun 2024, JasonNemrow
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