
Lisa has been living in Mere Cottage since the spring of 2019 and I came full-time in March of 2020 (right as the CoVid-19 Lock-down began). Previous to this, my mom had bought and lived in this house in the naughts.

Mere Cottage is basically a 2-bedroom 1-bathroom house at about 900 square feet. At some point before we showed up, most of the west-facing front porch was enclosed and turned into a small office space. There is also a large carport and hackneyed storage space behind the house. Basically, it works for our needs.

The Goldilocks house had sat vacant for about three years after we took over Mere Cottage. We contacted the last owner of record and basically agreed to pay the taxes and mow the lawn in exchange for its use. After a brief flirtation with getting the water supply line fixed, we just had whoever was staying in Goldilocks come to Mere Cottage for water needs. Basically, Goldilocks is two powered bedrooms and a lot of storage space.
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MereCottageGoldilocks.PNGPNG MereCottageGoldilocks.PNG manage 803 K 08 May 2024 - 13:52 JasonNemrow Mere Cottage and Goldilocks 2023 Photo
Topic revision: r4 - 15 Jun 2024, JasonNemrow
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