I originally began that I didn't have a dishwasher.

I upgraded housing and had a pre-installed dishwasher, though I don't remember if the first few renditions were working correctly.

A few more moves and I I had working dishwashers, but I don't recall using them much or at all.

My mother has a house with a dishwasher, but she used it as just another storage space for various things. This was a bit of innovation for us (mostly me) and when we inherited her house, we also inherited her usage of the dishwasher as well. It might actually be working for its original function, but I have never tested that.

Perhaps tangentially, I don't really know how my wife feels about our dishwasher situation. Does she feel like I have made some definitive statement about dishwashers and no discussion of such things is dangerous? I hope not. If she wanted to use the dishwasher, I hope I would be nothing but encouraging as dish-washing is definitely a chore that would be interesting to off-load to a machine, though I might grumble about my own perception of inefficiencies and inadequacies of machine-washing. I don't need to rule the day here!

Expanding this philosophically, as I am wont to do, what does our dishwasher situation say about me?
Topic revision: r3 - 19 Jun 2024, JasonNemrow
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