Crash Site

The original property

Fritch Ditch

The second property that I no longer own.

Rincon Canyon Base

This is an idea and how I would pull it off.

HF packet radio

HF digital rig that I could afford at some point -

APRS (TNC) + radio from Poland - - Pico arps

Further Research and Effort toward an improved Off-gird situation.

Temporary and Permanent Structures

I am thinking about structures on lands that I own and how to make them so that I don't run afoul of zoning and permitting needs. It seems to ride on being anchor…

Planned Pooper

When it comes down to it, the processing of human excrement is somethiing worth considering. Although dumping in into a sewage system or a septic tank is the offi…
Topic revision: r2 - 03 Oct 2024, JasonNemrow
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