Through a rather crooked path, I managed to be awarded a bachelor's degree in GeneralHomeEconomics from an accredited university. I can't really cook and I managed to avoid sewing instruction altogether, but I spent a lot of time learning about child development and figured out I never wanted to be a social worker. Given my education, I look the deplorable professional and father.

That hodge-podge of a course of study taught me more about myself than my instructors likely ever intended. In the years that followed, I came to the conclusion that my and previous generations ultimately ended up thoughtlessly doing a lot of incredibly vital things that no one really thinks is all that important to do these days. In a shorter statement, we were unthinkingly wise unlike our children.

The vast majority of my college professors in the 'home ec' department were women and, very helpfully, married with children. I know that is less true these days, but these mentors were very accommodating of my being a married man working through college with two kids and a third on the way when I walked my baccalaureate. No one gave me crap about marriage and children, even in the realm of strong women who should have skewed the feminist “anti-everything-traditional”.

I get the impression that society has decided that such things are now a bad idea. I sadly noted the final elimination of my alma-mater's former home economics department, after being renamed a few times over the decade after my graduation. I wager the sociology and various anti-family “studies” departments have swelled the college catalog in recent years, largely led by divorcees, DINKs (dual income, no kids couples), and the never-married.

You don't let people fool you - marriage and family are the greatest instrumentalities of God for giving his children mortality and meaning toward TheGoalOfExaltation.

Any effort to dissuade you from entering into a productive man-woman marriage and having your own biological children is the work of Satan. We quibble far too much about this and excuse far too many from an authentic pursuit of these ennobling institutions! As for "those who shouldn't be parents", I would say that if you have been able to read and then get offended by what I write here, you are probably capable of ProductiveMarriage and having a NaturalFamily and should not concoct some exemption for yourself.
Topic revision: r11 - 19 Jun 2024, JasonNemrow
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