
Science is indicated by the Latin suffix -ology, which means “a study of” in most dictionaries.

The Birth of the Expert

When a person has studied some thing an awful lot, we usually call them an “expert” and slap some honorific on their name. I have a bit of extra lettering, so I know what I am talking about.

The Experimentation God

The first thing you should remember about experimentation is that we agreed some time ago that humans should not experimental subjects. We used to have rules against it, poking and prodding various other life-forms such as rabbits, pigs, rats, and so forth.

In every case (find me an exception), no matter the rules put into place by well-meaning people, they will be ignored by non-well-meaning people who point to the rule and say “See, you are protected” when you are definitely not.


This person is your “primary care provider”, what used to be a physician or “medical doctor”. Pompously self-assured as survivors from the years they spent at school getting tortured into memorizing the Latin names for various bones and dissecting dead humans, these people are granted ultimate authority on everything and can destroy worlds in the name of “health”. Only lawmakers who are also physicians can dare challenge such folk.

Barely out of the realm of tasting your urine and applying leeches (so many blood tests?), I personally avoid the insistence to invest large chunks of time in waiting and examination rooms and making medicos into very expensive lifestyle coaches.


Our world, at least in the West, has been totally enslaved to psychology. According to the APA, “Psychology is the study of mind and behavior” which is a bad use of the suffix “-ology” which is a branch of knowledge or science. Although the field tries to divert responsibility by being a “study”, it wants all the gravitas of lab-coats and governmental research and development money/power that come with “-ology”.


If people diagnosing your brain issues isn't enough, these are the “experts” that address your basic inability to “fit in”.

Where Does All of This Lead

You are going to be an extra in every future dystopia movie, except it will be your enforced life that you have no power to escape. The whole point is that you must hand over a larger and larger proportion of any money you either have or borrow in order to avoid too many life restrictions. Only a certain “blessed” group can be allowed to exercise wide liberty in society and the easiest way to limit the number of people in this group is to label them as “sick”, “mentally ill”, or “sociopathic”.

Each of these industries are hell-bent on becoming your well-heeled personal lifestyle coach, wrestling amongst themselves for as much of your time (billable hours) as they can get. Between your healthcare, your therapist, and “social” media, I hope you find a little time to sleep and perhaps work a bit.

CoVid-19 was a very large scale human experiment in all the realms mentioned above.
  • We solidified the power of physiologists and their “healthcare” servant/enforcers to pull the plug on every form of activity on a global scale.
  • We made stronger the ability of psychologists and their “therapist” servant/enforcers to profit from punishing the disobedient.
  • We glamorized sociologists and their “social worker” servant/enforcers to pay them to flood the media with the “proper” and "healthy" perspective.

-- JasonNemrow - 08 Apr 2024
Topic revision: r4 - 10 Apr 2024, JasonNemrow
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