50 recent changes in Progression Web retrieved at 19:37 (GMT)

I get very interesting advice from Forth programming language/environment. In the 2023 annual Forth Day fireside chat, Chuck Moore suggested the practice of Earth...
In our recent interest in staying in childhood forever, we often forget that one of the larger purposes for parenting is to produce the next generation of adults….
Fealty I turn back to the MIddle Ages to create a bit of clarity on this. A 7th century Anglo Saxon "Oath of Fealty" states: By the Lord before whom this sanctua...
I made a realization some time ago that much of sanity is fostered by doing the occasional (perhaps close to semi regular) LifeSplurge. For instance, Marriage.MyW...
Sometimes, a metaphorical "child" outstrips their founding "parent", which hopefully doesn't cause too much angst. Nemrow's Story of Walking Away from a Child to...
I'm just getting something down here so this can be fleshed out. Exaltation is the purpose of God in sending us to this mortal life. We have the opportunity to pr...
Ungovernable people cannot be tolerated. There cannot be the peace required for happy living in the presence of those who cannot govern themselves or tolerate the...
We are being told that women are generally having fewer children, like they are choosing to only have one or two as opposed to the higher numbers of previous gene...
Science( ology) Science is indicated by the Latin suffix ology, which means “a study of” in most dictionaries. The Birth of the Expert When a person has studi...
I have always thought that it was a very basic conceit to take what works for me and try to project that upon others. The concept of the republic is that essentia...
I for one look forward to the day when the UngoverableHoards will be swept away and only DecentFolk will be left to deal with or rather enjoy!
Progression Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #fa9eca * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * set...
QuIXWiki's Progression web
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
* .WikiGuest
" else="QuIXWiki's Progression web"}% /Progression
Number of topics: 22

See also: rss-small RSS feed, recent changes with 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 topics, all changes
Topic revision: r1 - 07 Apr 2024, JasonNemrow
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