Sometimes, a metaphorical "child" outstrips their founding "parent", which hopefully doesn't cause too much angst.

Nemrow's Story of Walking Away from a Child to Embrace the Parent

For instance, I originally studied the management of day care programs and got an associates degree in that, then created a few such programs. As a follow on, I was working toward a bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education (ECE), but found myself more drawn to the philosophy of Child Development rather than the pedagogical bent of "education" that resulted in a student teacher fiasco. I was not becoming the preschool teacher that my degree track was intending to produce. ChildDevelopmentVsEarlyChildhoodEducation

I had to make a quick alteration in my direction in my collegiate senior year. I was working multiple jobs and I was just getting really tired and running out of grant money for the thought of changing my major. I couldn't finish what I had started but I also couldn't just do some "great reset".

Alongside understanding mentors, we noticed that most of my classes had "HE" in the course title, as at my college at the time, the home economics department supervised such things. Sadly, "education" has taken the place of this at my and so many other universities. Given all the classes I had completed, I switched my degree plan and major to GeneralHomeEconomics and was able to graduate in the year that I and my reality had left.

I had left the growing (and frankly co-opting) ECE "child" field and embraced the (shriveling) Home Economics "parent" field. The Home Economics department at my college, after a "Family and Consumer Science" diminishment, is now gone and my Child Development interest has disappeared in that venue to the sending of children to an ECE preschool.

I fight against the ConsumingBranch and redeclare again and again with pride that I am a HomeEconomist.

-- JasonNemrow - 12 Apr 2024

Topic revision: r4 - 19 Jun 2024, JasonNemrow
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