Asocial is Not Antisocial

There is a whole nasty business surrounding the prefix “anti-” these days. This is why I very much prefer the term “asocial” applied to Xenos and standoffish folk.

The Angry World of "Anti-"

I first became acquainted with the Anti- forces as a college students in the late 1980s. I studied early childhood education and we were taught about the anti-bias curriculum, which meant calling the Christmas holiday a “winter break” and Halloween a “fall festival” among other things. it seemed pretty innocuous at the time, but I remember a large black woman (I came from a time when many people were “color-blind”, so I only bring up her skin tone because she made such a point of it) in a video instructing new teachers that to be “anti-bias” was much more than just being considerate of other feelings - it is a crusade to root out all perceived injustice, especially any slight to “people of color”. I found the whole idea bizarre, but the presenter was quite pointed about any potential offense.

Perhaps that is why I usually avoided the educator profession after that. Now I just avoid everything schoolish as well.
Topic revision: r3 - 29 Apr 2024, JasonNemrow
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