50 recent changes in Xenos Web retrieved at 19:40 (GMT)

Many collaborators here are often described as aliens or strangers. That is what Xenos (or the plural Xenoi) means in Greek. We welcome your reading! ...
What is a Xenos? The word Xenos comes from ancient Greek and describes a stranger or a foreigner. ξένος (xénos) m ξένοι, feminine ξένη 1 foreigner, alien 1 ...
insular personal development to a unique "spikey" success What if having autistic traits is a good thing and the cultivation of such traits leads to something bet...
Xenos Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * set to of...
This is the founding document of the Xenos concept. The idea of redefining those who displayed traits of Asperger's Syndrome but should not be viewed as disabled ...
Don't Count on It This all revolves around “God Loves Me” thinking. God has standards for the blessings he provides and far too many people think that these stand...
Asocial Unetwork I have just been regaled by the utterly thoughtless postings of several of my talkative extended family members on a “service” called “facebook”....
Asocial is Not Antisocial There is a whole nasty business surrounding the prefix “anti ” these days. This is why I very much prefer the term “asocial” applied to ...
It is seductive to think that there is some heavenly Being that will not let us fail. This is often described as God's 'unconditional' love and is thought to be a...
In any endeavor, one must put forth some effort to stand out from the crowd. There is always limited resources and limited time and both must be used to best effe...
Pop psychology has created easy to identify “personalities” that are named after Greek letters: alpha, beta, gamma, omega, and sigma, among many possibilities. Mo...
It is fashionable these days to take copious amounts of time away from needed development so people can “find themselves”. It sounds good but this often ends up b...
We can become as God is. It was in the formation of this world to accomplish this in as many people as would pursue it. This is exaltation. It is pursued through ...
After a few days of opinions on the Hamas attacks in Israel and Israel's declaration of war, I have decided that I have something to say. I freely admit that 14% ...
Those who are teachers can go a long way toward encouraging and cheering better gospel learning outside of the classroom through creating an environment of sharin...
One can easily be taken in by the algorithmic “echo chamber” that your learned preferences present. Everyone thinks just like you! Artificial Intelligence Here ...
Everyone comes into mortality with problems and hang ups. The hallmark of a fulfilling life is how we overcome our handicaps and often how we wrench out accomplis...
If one wants purpose and meaning in life, one has to look not much beyond Jesus' parable of the talents and see the reward of earning the Lord's trust in doing hi...
We show where our hearts truly lie through our priorities. My interfaces with Sandia National Laboratories have reminded me yet again that individual priorities h...
The standards we use for topics within the Xenos web. The Right Sort of Content Webs exists to sort topics into rough catagories. There is more to say about this...
QuIXWiki's Xenos web
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
* .WikiGuest
" else="QuIXWiki's Xenos web"}% /Xenos
Number of topics: 30

See also: rss-small RSS feed, recent changes with 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 topics, all changes
Topic revision: r1 - 05 Apr 2024, JasonNemrow
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