After a few days of opinions on the Hamas attacks in Israel and Israel's declaration of war, I have decided that I have something to say. I freely admit that 14% of my DNA is Jewish and I am a male-line descendant of Aaron the High Priest.

Hamas and those who allow Hamas to rule them and speak for them have no justification for what Hamas has done. The Palestinian “cause” is nothing more than a complicit “human shield” for the genocidal aspirations of every group against the Jews. By association and action, the Palestinian people have declared themselves time and time again as ungovernable, most certainly by their own leaders.

Ungovernable people cannot be tolerated.

Ungovernable people cannot be tolerated. There cannot be the peace required for happy living in the presence of those who cannot govern themselves or tolerate the governance of others. It is painful to watch a person who refuses to be governed. It is heart-breaking that such people must be separated from the peaceable, usually through incarceration or banishment and often permanently. No one really likes it but it must be done to permit peaceful lands and nations.

Let's say a wildman comes to your house. You have spent resources to make improvements and you get enjoyment from your beautiful house. This wildman comes and you foolishly invite them into your house. They scream and rant while throwing things about. They tear up your walls and appliances. They even set fire to a bedroom. You may try to reason with the wildman and even make deals that they can do as they please with part of the house as long as they leave the rest of the house to you. The only response is that the wildman rants more loudly and demands that this house is now theirs and wants you gone. No matter what you try, the house is no longer beautiful as it was and it is just getting to be a worse place to live. You have figured out that the wildman will not honor any agreement and will not maintain or improve the house as if they were or could become a decent neighbor. Either the wildman must go or you must abandon your house.

I worked for a time at a prison and did religious volunteering for a much longer time at prisons. There are many people in prison who did something terrible in an ungoverned moment and were now paying a price for that. I also met others, who usually avoided religious opportunities, who were ungoverned and ungovernable, who were not paying for a crime as much as they were permanently kept away from decent people. There is a great difference between a person who breaks a law and someone who recognizes no law and recognizes no power that governs them.

The Joys of Being Self-Governing

I like the folks who don't need outside forces to govern them; they can govern themselves. It is like driving. Most people can do this and do it with enought consideration for the "rules of the road" that we only need a relative handful of enforcers to make the system work.

The GoriousComingDay will be filled with such self-governing people and devoid of the people who can't seem to govern themselves.
Topic revision: r3 - 16 Apr 2024, JasonNemrow
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