insular personal development to a unique "spikey" success

What if having autistic traits is a good thing and the cultivation of such traits leads to something better?

Making Personality Tests a Catalyst for Development

People love "personality tests" and I'm not surprised that they will alter their lives in order to look better on them. The trick is to provide catagories that actually get the sorts of behaviors that you want to see.

Godhood as pursued by a Xenos. How would it look different? How would one cultivate these differences?

Going off by oneself (Jesus and his forty day fast in the wilderness)

Communion with the Divine happens in private moments.

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. People with ASD often have problems with social communication and interaction, and restricted or repetitive behaviors or interests. People with ASD may also have different ways of learning, moving, or paying attention. It is important to note that some people without ASD might also have some of these symptoms. But for people with ASD, these characteristics can make life very challenging.

The concept of NOISE is popping out as a distraction and that source of NOISE as something evil (satanic) - it isn't so much about a cacophony of noise, but the inability to focus, so even one distracting sight or smell or voice is just as noisome (annoying) (OCD-ish?).

This brings on a different view of God. There is nothing in holy writ that requires society, socialization, or forced group-work. In fact, solitude is a more common feature of communing with God than coming together with others (which usually uses peer pressure to force behavior - that isn't working very well anymore).

As God says that everyone can qualify for exaltation, this might not preclude the non-social from attainment, but actually be an attribute of godliness that one can acculturate (better inculcate) in themselves.

Evil manifests in the "noise" of living - constant need for music or talk or social mixing to feel less anxious - learn to prize quietude.

New names for positivized (most of the DSM criteria see these things as a negative and the larger language does as well) attributes
  • No understanding of money - or better no particular interest in money - getting just enough money to handle needs and not much more.
  • problems with social communication and interaction - reclusivity
    • self-awareness
    • going from extrovert (nervous energy that needs noise and constant validation) to introvert
    • finding or building an isolated place to block out "noise"
  • restricted or repetitive behaviors or interests - convergence?
    • Bring things together into one like heightened focus
    • looking at wheels - deep state to exclude "noise", looks bad when you do it in "social" settings (and aren't most places forced to be social) Practicing bringing thought to a point (all truth into one whole)
  • delay in "milestone" traits - perceptions beyond explanation - epiphanosis
    • This is how God tells you what you should be doing right now. Don't fight it off or drug it away.
    • how does one foster a environment conducive to epiphanies? (quiet, early mornings,
  • echolalia - mulling over but probably more like being forced to shift gears and interact "you are not listening to me!" - reclusion (pulling away) is the opposite of interaction with others (drawing together).
  • the "protective or productive circle" rather than the "shell"
    • It can happen in children with autism spectrum disorders like Asperger's syndrome. They may need extra time to process the world around them and what people say to them. This causes them to copy or repeat the sounds or words they hear.
  • Plays with (same) toys the same way every time - does it "fit" (schema-based?) - Use deep repetition to get comfort (works for lots of people). If you are doing LOTS of repetitions, you are likely begin barraged by "noise" and need to get away from that.
  • Why is being obsessive considered such a bad thing? Being "well-rounded" is way over-rated. Is it because more concentration on OUR stuff rather than YOUR stuff. You are here to service MY needs, so you can't just do your thing. My (or society's) interests are more important than yours.
  • (over-) Simplification of living routines (eating, sleeping) - Minimization - how can one do this and how far to take it?
    • eat - sleep when you need to do so. Get off or reduce schedule-ism?
    • Eliminating the need to do coping behavors could be grouped here, it isn't to stop rocking, but to eliminate the conditions that cause one to rock.
Chinese youths doing this -
  • They ask what the hermits eat over the months of isolation.
  • They say people can't afford to be spiritual as they need money for everything.
  • It looks like some only want communal living in beautiful, remote places.
  • Came to the mountains to find "meaning".
  • Girl talks about distractions from gawkers and phototaking posters.
Being away from others must be a sign of depression. I see it as an antidote for it.

Not so much teachable but learnable "skills"

Allen Watts on Recluses and Outcasts -
  • Setting expectations for others that will not be understood:
    • Don't be "nice", which puts others in charge of you and forces you to engage (bad word!) with the "noise" of others.
    • I'm ignoring you. Easier than explaining why you are doing this. You will be seen as aloof and rude, because these terms are all about others being able to dominate your time and attention (noise). What I am thinking/doing is more important to me than external distractions. (The Temple is about being quiet and not distracted, so it must be a state useful to God. Leave behind outside concerns and worries.)
    • for instance, Lisa is all about food and mealtimes. Nothing seems more upsetting than a call to a meal that she has prepared that is not IMMEDIATELY heeded. She can't do other things because of her absolute focus on and public appreciation of food and its (waning for us) dinner-table sociality.
  • Becoming Reticent - restraint in expression, presentation, or appearance (no more hawaiian shirts??) - keeping silent.
    • Comes from the french with roots in being "reluctant", which fits our purposes well.
  • Blocking out "noise" - "you are not listening to me" is a desirable response - it means you are doing a good job.
Topic revision: r3 - 20 May 2024, JasonNemrow
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