Please don't be fooled. The stated war against the family is actually a war against parents and, more accurately, a war against the concept of biological parenting and FamilySovereignty in general.

Because they are not being disciplined against saying such things, children are Western-socialized to say that their parents abused them. Alternately, their is the far-easier accusation that can be made for abuse's "kissing" cousin of ModernNeglect. As children (young or old) receive societal strokes for their "victim-hood" and are therefore empowered to exact revenge and recompense for the growing catalog of abuses, the idea of parents have been redefined as the people who make childhood a blessed period of life that increasingly never has to end.

There is an institutionalized licensed universal child care model that wants to eliminate the NaturalFamily model, except where it makes the institutional model easier - they would rather have unlicensed parents feed, bathe, and bed children during off-hours, but without interfering with the methods and will of the child professionals. To answer such an institutional need, p arents would need to be better socialized to step back and let the experts raise their children, only taking a custodian/janitor role that is more economically dealt with by non-professionals.
Topic revision: r4 - 20 Jun 2024, JasonNemrow
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